A great group of Mid Hudson Love INC supporters and volunteers gathered to hear Lois Tupyi speak on Redemptive Compassion. Lois has developed this biblical philosophy over her 20 years of experience with Love INC. She spoke about the biblical call to meet all of the needs of our clients, not just the short term expressed needs. As we are all aware, so many of the systems to help the impoverished in our communities are broken. Within those systems, churches and faith based organizations can become a catalyst for change. Lois spoke of our biblical call to holistically help the whole person and look for their potential, not just their need. The six core principles of this work are: seeing everyone’s value, investing relationally, helping to achieve their God-given potential, mutual contribution and participation, using wisdom and discernment, and serving in ways that transform. Adapting our ministry to these six core principles could truly mobilize us to transform the lives of our clients, their families, and our community.