On Saturday, March 30th, Mid-Hudson Love INC celebrated 10 years of ministry to its community with a lovely brunch at Christos. The purpose was to reminisce on the journey the ministry has taken and also to set vision for the future. Our guest speaker, Lois Tupyi (a Love INC National Trainer) challenged attendees to do the hard work of living out the call of Christ on the Church to love well. Volunteer Coordinator, Jewel Ratzlaff, joyfully thanked Love INC’s 2018 volunteers and gave honor to the volunteers throughout the decade that have made the ministry run. A representative from Senator Sue Surino’s office was present to award Love INC with a proclamation for service in the community.
Executive Director, Carley Andrews, gave an illustration to the attendees. “You know in the action movies where there’s a train going full speed and a person is running on the tracks trying to catch up and someone reaches out their hand to help them on. Imagine God being on that train and it’s moving – because He is totally devoted to the transformation of lives – and He is extending His hand out to us to jump on board with Him. I am always so humbled when I think about the fact that God chose me, and all my broken pieces, to do this work. And friends, He’s chosen all of us.”
What’s next for Mid-Hudson Love In the Name of Christ? In the next decade, we will serve churches better. We will help people see their value and potential. We will step into the full and abundant life promised to us through Christ and help others do the same. We will see lives transformed, beginning with our own. The journey continues. The flight is ready for takeoff. We’re moving across the runway. You all have your tickets. Are you in?