People in need often turn to the Church for help.

Love INC exists to help churches help people in need.

  • Love INC offers a single point of contact (a phone number) for people in need to tap into resources in the community, and
  • Love INC provides tangible opportunities for Christians to begin to meet those needs.

Here is what that looks like on a daily basis.

1. Clearinghouse/office volunteers answer a bank of phones 3 daysOffice 4 a week.  An extensive intake interview is completed with the caller and various financial documents are secured. References are called. Only when a complete and verified picture of the caller’s situation is in place, do referrals and services begin.

2. Love INC continuously gathers information about local service agencies and churches so we know what resources exist and how people in need can access them. Love INC regularly receives referrals from local agencies, and refers neighbors to the resources they need. When gaps in local services are evident, Love INC works with local churches to fill the gap.

IMG_05873. Through the collaborative efforts of many churches, we operate several Gap Ministries offering bags of Personal Care Items, gently used linens, new pillows, blankets, towels, new beds, and gently used furniture to neighbors with demonstrated need.

4.  Love INC is always training new volunteers for ministry matched to their skills and passions…helping them better understand the lives and needs of others, and equipping them to serve with excellence, In the Name of Christ.

5. Every individual who contacts Mid-Hudson Love INC is offered a non-judgmental listening ear and prayer support.  A dedicated core of pray-ers receive weekly prayer requests and pray for the needs of our callers, our volunteers and our community.

6. Using the skills and wisdom found in local churches, gifted volunteers teach weekly life-skills classes, offer regular support groups and caring friendship mentors to encourage and support a struggling community member.